Old Frisian Summer School

21 June 27 June 2020

Due to the corona crisis, this event will be postponed to 2021 – The Old Frisian Summer School will be of interest to BA and MA students as well as PhD’s in the field of Old Germanic languages. The participants will learn to read and interpret Old Frisian texts and get a good grasp of its grammatical structures. There will be lectures about the various language shifts Frisian experienced over the medieval period when it gave way to Dutch or Low German in formerly Frisian-speaking areas. There will be due attention to the sociolinguistic processes which may have steered these phenomena.

The Old Frisian Summer School is organised by Groningen University in partnership with Oxford University and in co-operation with the Frisian Academy, Tresoar (the main Frisian archival and library institution) and the University of Amsterdam.

More info: University of Groningen.