RIXT Frisian Poets Pack online
27 June 2019
The Frisian Poetry Collective RIXT has posted its English website online. A large part of the 45 poets who are affiliated with RIXT have submitted translations of their own poems for the website. In addition, the RIXT poets also have an English poet's profile.
The English RIXT website will be used to begin with an important target of the poetry community: putting Frisian poetry on the map internationally. Over the next few years, RIXT wants to do more to get more Frisian poets on international paths and to bring the Frisian poetry under the attention of poetry networks abroad. They do this in cooperation with other poets, literary magazines and cultural organizations.
Poetry collective RIXT is a broad platform of Frisian poets. The poets write and publish poems about current issues in and outside Fryslân and show the relevance of Frisian poetry to a wide audience.