Learning Frisian from your own home.

Afûk Learning Frisian Home Study
Learn the Frisian language by following the coursebook and listen to the audio that’s available on eduFrysk. eduFrysk is the online learning platform for the Frisian language. On eduFrysk you’ll find lots of audio, texts, songs, fideo’s and interactive exercises and educational games.
In the coursebook you’ll find 10 lessens for eventually being able to read and understand the language. With this learning course you’ll develop a language level of A1 / A2, according to the Common European Framework of Reference.

At the moment there are two Frisian MOOCS (Massive Open Online Courses) available. They are free introductions into the Frisian language.

Want to learn the basics of the Frisian language? Interested in the Frisian culture? Sign up for the course! 4 weeks, 3 hours per week, just at home, when it is convenient for you!


Frisian MOOC on Futurelearn:

Introduction to Frisian
Learn to speak, write and understand the second official language of the Netherlands with this free introductory language course.

You could also take a look at Memrise and learn a bit of Frisian.